I was suffering from shoulder pain after a recent fall where I broke both wrists. I somehow must have hurt my shoulder in the process of the fall. I not only had pain in both wrists but an aching shoulder/neck as well. After having used the painmaster for approximately one week I was able to get back to going about my daily life in a much more pain free state. My pain was quite severe and now it has reduced remarkably. I would recommend this product to those also suffering pain, it is worth trying. It is an easy product to use and doesn’t interfere with my normal movement. By G.Salter. VIC. August 2017
Archive for month: August, 2017
- Always read the label. Use only as directed.
- Do not rely on this website for medical information.
- For continuing pain consult your doctor.
- Do not self treat serious illness, injury or pain.
- For proper diagnosis of pain, consult your doctor
- Painmaster will not relieve all types of pain or provide relief for every user
- Always read the label. Use only as directed.
- Do not rely on this website for medical information.
- For continuing pain consult your doctor.
- Do not self treat serious illness, injury or pain.
- For proper diagnosis of pain, consult your doctor
- Painmaster will not relieve all types of pain or provide relief for every user