Do you take Anti-inflammatories? Whilst they’re necessary and helpful, overuse and over prescription aren’t helpful. Micro-Current therapy is a drug free anti-inflammatory and may help as a part of a total health program. Learn more from the ABC here…/thep…/stories/2010/11/30/3076280.htm
- Always read the label. Use only as directed.
- Do not rely on this website for medical information.
- For continuing pain consult your doctor.
- Do not self treat serious illness, injury or pain.
- For proper diagnosis of pain, consult your doctor
- Painmaster will not relieve all types of pain or provide relief for every user
- Always read the label. Use only as directed.
- Do not rely on this website for medical information.
- For continuing pain consult your doctor.
- Do not self treat serious illness, injury or pain.
- For proper diagnosis of pain, consult your doctor
- Painmaster will not relieve all types of pain or provide relief for every user